
Empowering education for every school & every child.

We exist to uplift school education in India by transforming teaching-learning effectiveness at scale using a hybrid, low cost and no-nonsense EduTech model.

Leaving no child behind. Involving everyone.

Good school education is the key to future well-being of every individual, society and country. We believe that there is a scholar in every student, and we are committed to give it every chance to express itself without any geographical and socio-economic constraints.

250 Mn

85% or
212 Mn

More than

Total number of school going kids in India

Go to vernacular medium; >50% in Hindi medium

Go to govt schools or budget private schools (BPS)

Leaving no child behind. Involving everyone.

Good school education is the key to future well-being of every individual, society and country. We believe that there is a scholar in every student, and we are committed to give it every chance to express itself without any geographical and socio-economic constraints.

250 Mn

Total number of school going kids in India

85% or
212 Mn

Go to vernacular medium; >50% in Hindi medium

More than

Go to govt schools or budget private schools (BPS)

Government Schools

Account for more than 55% of the 250 Mn school going children in India, who need effective, sustainable and low-cost solution to impact student learning outcomes.

Budget Private Schools

Account for more than 35% of the 250 Mn school going children in India and need an affordable business sustainability model to survive in post Covid scenario.


Who are often severely constrained in capacity and resources and need a viable support tool to help them win in the classroom on a daily basis.


Follow the school where their academic attainment is measured and truly matters. They need support at home to revisit and augment what they learnt in the classroom.

The favorable winds of change.

National Education Policy (NEP) 2020

Covid Impact

Technology Readiness & Adoption

Hybrid Education

Tech enabled education is the new normal and will continue to compliment conventional offline schooling

Government Action

Both, central and state governments are proactive and open to tech enabled education solutions at scale

Digital Infrastructure

BharatNet project to provide broadband connectivity to 2.5 Lakh gram panchayats improving access to EdTech

Smartphone Access

India had 75 Cr smartphone users in 2021, expected to cross 100 Cr mark by 2026 or sooner

A case of Singrauli

How education is transformed in 30 government schools in one of the most backward districts of Madhya Pradesh.

Doing what it takes. In the classroom and outside.

We believe in a viable, sustainable and affordable model.

Operational Viability

The biggest challenge in India. We have on the ground experience in MP, Jharkhand, Bihar, Uttarakhand, UP & Delhi. We know what it takes.

Financial Sustainability

The financial model is designed to be self- sustainable after first two years without deviating from its core principles of quality, inclusivity and affordability.

Large Scale Affordability

Affordability at scale comes from intent, solution design and strategic partnerships. Our partnership approach with governments, CSRs, grants and communities ensure it.

Why you should partner with us.

Government approved program

The initiative is approved by the government and works with direct operational support of Rajya Shiksha Kendra, Government of Madhya Pradesh

Focused where it matters most

Government schools, which account for more than 60% of students whose education has been most impacted by Covid and who need maximum and urgent support

Comprehensive solution

Which empowers schools, teachers as well as students. Its ease of use, sensitive design and visible results makes adoption quick, smooth and effective

Relevance for the target beneficiaries

The content is visually and linguistically relatable, and the technology interface is designed keeping in mind the available infrastructure, preparedness and comfort of beneficiaries

Most cost effective

The costs are kept highly optimized and are validated by the government. The idea is to derive maximum coverage and impact for every CSR or grant rupee spent